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Shogun Hospitality and Nutrition
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Dairy Nutrition
Food and Health Newsletters
Food Service Math
Basic Knife Cuts
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Stocks, Sauces and Soups Basics
Herbs and Spices
Fruits and Vegetables
Garde Manger
Grains Basics
Baking Science
Biscuit Method
Muffin Method
Yeast Breads
Baking Math
Pastry Tips
Ratios and Recipes
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Forward Thinking In Education
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Ritz-Carlton Leadership Benchmarks
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Edgren High School
Shogun Hospitality and Nutrition
About Chef Zakro
Safety and Sanitation
Diabetes Information
Weight Loss
High Blood Pressure
Portion Sizes
Food Allergies
Vegan Diets
Dairy Nutrition
Food and Health Newsletters
Food Service Math
Basic Knife Cuts
Cooking Methods
Stocks, Sauces and Soups Basics
Herbs and Spices
Fruits and Vegetables
Garde Manger
Grains Basics
Baking Science
Biscuit Method
Muffin Method
Yeast Breads
Baking Math
Pastry Tips
Ratios and Recipes
Culinary Ratios
Front of the House
50 Minute Classroom
Forward Thinking In Education
Guest Speakers
Flavor Pairings
Meet the Growers
American Regional Cuisine
Anglo-Asian California Cuisine
Appalachian Southern Cuisine
Central Farmlands and Cities Cuisine
Chesapeake Bay Shore Cuisine
Hawaiian Cuisine
Louisiana Cuisine
Mexican Border Cuisine
Mid-Atlantic Cuisine
New England Cuisine
New York City Cuisine
Pacific Northwest Cuisine
Plantation Cuisine
Rocky Mountain and Great Basin Cuisine
South Florida and Puerto Rican Cuisine
Western and Central Ranchlands Cuisine
International Cuisine
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Caribbean Cuisine
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South American Cuisine
Southeast Asian Cuisine
Food Science
Hotel Managment
Ritz-Carlton Leadership Benchmarks
Moderinist Cuisine
Business Trends
Student Work Examples
Edgren High School
About Chef Zakro
Safety and Sanitation
Diabetes Information
Weight Loss
High Blood Pressure
Portion Sizes
Food Allergies
Vegan Diets
Dairy Nutrition
Food and Health Newsletters
Food Service Math
Basic Knife Cuts
Cooking Methods
Stocks, Sauces and Soups Basics
Herbs and Spices
Fruits and Vegetables
Garde Manger
Grains Basics
Baking Science
Biscuit Method
Muffin Method
Yeast Breads
Baking Math
Pastry Tips
Ratios and Recipes
Culinary Ratios
Front of the House
50 Minute Classroom
Forward Thinking In Education
Guest Speakers
Flavor Pairings
Meet the Growers
American Regional Cuisine
Anglo-Asian California Cuisine
Appalachian Southern Cuisine
Central Farmlands and Cities Cuisine
Chesapeake Bay Shore Cuisine
Hawaiian Cuisine
Louisiana Cuisine
Mexican Border Cuisine
Mid-Atlantic Cuisine
New England Cuisine
New York City Cuisine
Pacific Northwest Cuisine
Plantation Cuisine
Rocky Mountain and Great Basin Cuisine
South Florida and Puerto Rican Cuisine
Western and Central Ranchlands Cuisine
International Cuisine
British Cuisine
Caribbean Cuisine
Chinese Cuisine
Eastern European Cuisine
French Cuisine
German Cuisine
Greek Cuisine
Iberian Cuisine
Indian Cuisine
Italian Cuisine
Japanese Cuisine
Mexican Cuisine
Middle Eastern Cuisine
North African Cuisine
Russian Cuisine
Scandinavian Cuisine
South American Cuisine
Southeast Asian Cuisine
Food Science
Hotel Managment
Ritz-Carlton Leadership Benchmarks
Moderinist Cuisine
Business Trends
Student Work Examples
Edgren High School
4 Reasons to Take a Real Break This Summer
Whether you plan to pack your bags or just recharge your batteries--taking time away from work is imperative.
Our Three Steps of Service | Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center
Amidst the mad dash of balancing careers, social lives jammed with virtual and in-person events, children’s camp schedules and the everything in between – there is something so simple that can stop us in our tracks when we are checking out at the grocery store or even just passing a neighbor during our afternoon walk: […]
The Verdict is In—Customer Service isn’t Human Enough
Does your organization's customer service strategy sacrifice humanity for the sake of efficiency? Here are three ways to adjust.
Three Lessons To Create A Better Customer Experience
Eighty-four percent of MasterCard’s customers are delighted with their experience. “We still have a ways to go,” admits Gruner. He shared three things MasterCard is doing to drive that improvement.
I am Proud to Be Ritz-Carlton: A Look at our 12 Service Values | Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center
At The Ritz-Carlton, we are always looking at continuous improvement and our 12 Service Values are essential to how we create memorable experiences for our guests and clients around the globe. Of note, these values are results-driven and comprised of sentiments that point to what the end outcome should look like. They give our talented […]
10 Things We Don’t Do That Help Us Get Our Important Tasks Done
Being productive isn’t always about adding to our to-do list.
Council Post: The 'Big Idea': Five Keys To The Future Of Brand Marketing
In an increasingly fragmented communications landscape where it’s harder and harder for brands to break through the clutter, the “big idea” is more important the ever.
If you want customers to keep coming back, you need to start asking some serious questions.
Why Leaders Must Address the Employee Wellbeing Deficit
Employees were more stressed than ever in 2021. See the data and how leaders can better address wellbeing in the workplace.
Paving The Way For Organizational Success With Diversity And Inclusion
Diversity and inclusion are not just practices being put into place, but assets for businesses and employees as well, as it helps to foster innovation and creativity.
4 Ways to Been Seen as Reliable and Authentic
Authenticity leads to trust. Trust leads to longevity. Longevity leads to a more robust bottom line.
Council Post: How To Deliver A High-Impact And Personalized Customer Experience
In an era where customers can buy your services instantaneously and goods globally, personalization is increasingly difficult.
The Best 4-Letter Acronym To Boost Your Leadership Skills
The best leaders create other leaders. And by letting go of the need to singlehandedly solve your team’s problems, you’ll create opportunities for them — and you — to grow as leaders.
3 Ways to Innovate in a Downturn
Recessions offer major opportunities for innovators. They can be a good time to introduce game-changing offerings or simple, affordable solutions or make bold, strategic moves. The resource scarcity that typically accompanies recessions forces innovators to do things they should have been doing already: prune prudently, re-feature to cut costs, master smart strategic experiments, and manage the risks of innovating by sharing them with others.
The Power of the Ritz-Carlton Credo | Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center
The Ritz-Carlton is a place where the genuine care and comfort of our guests is our highest mission. We pledge to provide the finest personal service and facilities for our guests who will always enjoy a warm, relaxed, yet refined ambiance. The Ritz-Carlton experience enlivens the senses, instills well-being, and fulfills even the unexpressed wishes […]
The power of positive language – Let your soul shine - Wellbeing Magazine
Wellbeing Magazine covers The power of positive language – Let your soul shine in the category Health
4 Ways to Set Your Company Apart from the Competition
The 4 S guide to differentiation can help drive business success in a crowded market.
Transform Customer Problems Into Opportunities |
Customer problems will always occur. Sometimes we may have control over preventing these problems but oftentimes, they happen outside our control.
A workplace wellness coach and happiness scholar’s 3 best tips for thriving at work
Stressor's in your personal life may be hurting your ability to thrive at work. Here are 3 tips to fix that, from a career coach and happiness scholar.
Building Strong Relationships | Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center
This week’s blog begins a look at the 12 Service Values of The Ritz-Carlton. While 12 may seem like a lot, each Service Value is unique and equally important to delivering on our brand’s promise of inspiring life’s most meaningful journeys. Facts about The Ritz-Carlton Service Values: They began as 20 Basics and were the […]
Nothing is better for a business than loyal customers. But how do you go about building that loyalty?
Council Post: The Five Qualities Of Authentic Leadership
Authentic leadership is a critical skill encompassing several facets.
Is Your Industry Delivering on Employee Recognition?
Recognition is an essential component of great organizational culture. See how employee recognition -- or lack thereof -- is affecting key industries.
Does your customer experience strategy have a big impact on your bottom line? It should.
5 Ways to Build Customer Relationships and Brand Loyalty
To build trust with customers, brands need to show value and foster customer relationships. That's why marketers need to prioritize relationship marketing.
6 Microsteps You Can Take Every Day to Boost Your Mental Resilience
Boosting your resilience starts with small steps.
Jargon about “personalizing content” or “unifying digital experience” speaks to technique, not the substance of an experience. Time to get real in CX.
The 'EX' Factor: How Employee Experience Can Help You Win the Talent War
In service-based industries like healthcare, a positive employee experience trickles down to a more positive customer experience.
Council Post: 14 Ways To Boost Your Work Culture And Engage Your Employees
The bonds leaders create and maintain with employees are essential to increasing employee engagement throughout the business.
3 Effective Ways to Show Your Best Leadership at Work
Prevalent leadership behaviors that lead to high performance.
How Do You Show Up? | Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center
Service Value 10 at The Ritz-Carlton states, “I am proud of my professional language, appearance and behavior.” In very simple terms, it defines how our Ladies and Gentlemen “show up” each day. Language. Three adjectives we use to describe our language and tone are “warm, relaxed, and refined.” Never stuffy or overly formal. When speaking […]
Council Post: What Are The Three Pillars Of Customer Experience?
Businesses must give customers a story to behold and be told.
How to Become More Resilient
Master the most important technique required to achieve all of your goals.
Compassion: The Key to a Thriving Culture and Business
An empathic company attracts employees and results.
A Look at Discretionary Effort: A Driver for Excellence | Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center
The Ritz-Carlton actively seeks out Ladies and Gentlemen who find joy and fulfillment in looking for ways to push past the basic fundamentals of their job descriptions to create special moments for guests.
The Power of Mindfullness - HEALTHY MAGAZINE
mindfulness has such a positive impact on those who practice it. The Power of Mindfullness HEALTHY MAGAZINE
4 Tips to Spark Genuine Innovation in Your Business
"New" doesn't always mean "innovative." To be a true innovator of your industry, you need to incentivize real innovation with these four tips.
5 Habits That Will Instantly Point to Someone With Good Leadership Skills
These are the habits that make legacies, advance careers, and build profitable companies.
Enlivening Experiences through Excellence in Teamwork | Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center
The Ritz-Carlton is known for its excellence in guest service and for the genuine care expressed by our Ladies and Gentlemen. We strive to make every experience at our hotels unique and memorable. This kind of service would not be possible without teamwork. Service Value 7 states, “I create an environment of teamwork and lateral […]
3 Reasons To Adopt Empathy In Your Customer Service Model
Adopting empathy in your customer service model should increase the efficacy of your agents and the satisfaction of your customers.
Are you measuring and interacting with your satisfied customers? Learn why it's essential and five steps to understand their needs and improve your CX.
Council Post: Seven Benefits When You Lead With Empathy
This type of leadership creates an environment of trust and respect, which is essential for a productive team. Here are seven benefits you can realize when you lean into this skill.
5 Cost-Effective Ways to Create a Healthy Company Culture
Cultivating connection does not have to come with a high price tag. Here are five cost-effective ways to build a remarkable company culture.
A Thriving Company Culture Requires Truth in Leadership
If the leader's values and behavior are aligned with the desired company culture, business performance thrives.
3 Ways to Authentically Brand Yourself as Customer Friendly | Entrepreneur
Three strategies to improve your customer experience and create a brand of CX excellence
Improve Internal Communication in the Workplace - Qualtrics
Inefficiency in the workplace often stems from poor internal communications. Here are some things you can do to improve internal communications in the workplace.
Engaged Employees Create Better Customer Experiences
It’s time for leaders to double down on the idea that the employee experience (EX) is now the key driver of the customer experience (CX) and find smarter, strategic ways of connecting the two. According to PwC, companies that invest in and deliver superior experiences to both consumers and employees are able to charge a premium of as much as 16% for their products and services. So how do leaders design EX to better align with CX? First, identify where the biggest gaps exist. Second, find creative ways to directly connect employees and customers regardless of whether “customer service” is in their job description. Third, integrate customer and employee journey maps to identify and diagnose customer problems. And finally, provide visibility into CX and EX performance together, putting measurements of success in a single view.
The Art of Anticipation | Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center
Today, we explore Service Value 2, “I am always responsive to the expressed and unexpressed wishes and needs of our guests.” This Service Value relates closely to the second step of our Three Steps of Service, “Anticipation and fulfillment of each guest’s needs.” Put simply: Expressed wishes and needs are what the customer is willing […]
Council Post: Three Traits Of Courageous Leadership
When you do not step back from taking action, your organization is better for it. But what does that look like when you are faced with tough choices?
Communicate With Employees to Maintain Engagement
Employees need clear communication to be fully engaged. Learn what comprises effective communication and how to improve communication with your team.
Council Post: Six Ways To Lead Even When You Aren't In A Leadership Position
Anyone can exhibit leadership qualities regardless of their job title or position.
How to Be a Better Manager: The Theory of the Elephant and the Rider
We're not going to have a 200-pound person directing a four-ton elephant to do anything.
6 Critical Reasons Why Culture Should Be at the Top of Every CEO's Agenda | Entrepreneur
Business success doesn't come from processes, it comes from people, and culture is the glue that holds them together.
How to Be More Mindful at Work
There are simple ways to reduce the impact workplace stress can have on your mind and body. Here’s a guide to get you started.
7 Tips to Stay Ahead of the Curve in Your Industry | Entrepreneur
In this article, we'll explore trendspotting and discuss seven ways to stay ahead of the curve in your industry as an entrepreneur.
6 Ways to Connect to Employees and Optimize Talent Retention
You may be losing your top employees because of your lack of a human focus and leadership.
4 Pillars of B2B Brand Trust: How to Build Customer Confidence
Trust comes from showing competence, integrity, reliability, and empathy in all interactions with B2B buyers.
6 Ways to Become a More Collaborative Leader
In today’s fast-paced corporate landscape, most highly experienced leaders entering an organization are driven by a desire to make a significant impact and drive meaningful change. However, the approach they adopt in championing new ideas becomes the differentiating factor between success and failure. Unfortunately, when faced with resistance, some leaders become frustrated and disengaged or even choose to leave the organization. Affecting lasting change is not a solitary quest, but an inherently shared effort. It requires embracing a collaborative mindset that respects and includes diverse perspectives, maintains a strategic focus, and patiently navigates the complexities of organizational dynamics. It’s not about surrendering your passion or advocacy but leveraging them in a more inclusive, strategic, and ultimately effective way. The author recommends shifting your mental model from that of a crusader to that of a collaborative leader.
Is Your Employee Recognition Really Authentic?
Recognition -- when it means something -- boosts employees' engagement and wellbeing. Ensure your recognition counts by making it authentic.
5 Essential Steps to Drive a Culture of Continuous Improvement | Entrepreneur
Discover how to unlock your organization's potential for growth and innovation by fostering a culture of continuous improvement, leading to increased productivity, employee engagement and long-term success.
Bridging the Empathy Gap in CX
Many companies claim to be customer-centric, but few live up to this ideal because they don’t understand what it means to be truly customer-centric.
The “7 Stages of Rest” That Will Help You Wave Goodbye to Fatigue
In her latest book, Dr Saundra Dalton-Smith reveals the secrets to recharging your batteries for good.
Workplace Culture: What Is It and Why Is It Important in 2023? | Workhuman
Even though culture is all around us, even at work, it is likely defined by different people differently. On the most basic level, Forbes defines workplace
3 Ways to Develop Your Leadership Soft Skills
Successful leadership is about how you work, not just the finished product.
10 Tips To Improve Employee Experience
Here are 10 tips you can include in your 2024 planning to improve the employee experience in your organization: Cultivate Inclusive Leadership, prioritize Employee Well-Being, foster Open Communication, respond Actively to Feedback (Even When It Hurts), embrace Diversity and Inclusion, provide Meaningful Work, create an Inspiring Workplace, offer Growth and Development Opportunities, show Appreciation and Recognition, strengthen Leadership.
The Art Of Crafting Unforgettable Customer Experiences
Creating unforgettable customer experiences is an art form that distinguishes exceptional businesses from the rest.
How Storytelling Can Improve Sales and Engage Customers
Find out how telling your story can help your business grow, and get storytelling tips for turning customers into brand champions.
10 Daily Habits of Highly Successful People | Entrepreneur
Adopting these daily rituals allows anyone to embark on a path toward success.
6 Ways to Lead in Business With More Creativity and Collaboration
Many of today's office environments foster a culture that discourages working together. Here's how to change that.
5 Strategies for Fostering a 'Got Your Back' Culture | Entrepreneur
How to create a supportive culture and help your employees become more resilient so they can thrive through the problems they confront.
4 Ways to Kindness Can Tip the Scale With Customers | Entrepreneur
The better you are to your customers, the better they are to you. Here's how this lesson translates to business and why you should do the same.
How Great Bosses Foster Creativity at Work
At the Inc. 5000 Conference, The Folklore founder Amira Rasool and other entrepreneurs shared tips for jumpstarting creativity.
Evolving Engagement: Brands with a Heartbeat
Businesses that take the time to humanize the brand-customer relationship are discovering that it drives engagement and growth.
Six Tips to Promote Your Own Wellness at Work
Wellness is very important in the workplace, avoiding it seriously impact the health and force to take medical leave of absence. In this busy world, we tend to opt-out of our own self-care in the name of efficiency and getting more done.
Empowering Employees to Create a Unique, Memorable and Personal Experience for Every Guest | Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center
The third of the 12 Ritz-Carlton Service Values is, “I am empowered to create unique, memorable and personal experiences for our guests.” As with every element of the Credo Card, this one may be a short phrase, but it is packed with meaning. “I am empowered…” Consistent with the other Service Values, Service Value 3 […]
Council Post: 6 Benefits Of Mentoring In The 2023 Workplace
There are several reasons why implementing a mentorship program can improve business outcomes and increase employee satisfaction.
5 Types of Stories Leaders Need to Tell
Storytelling is an important leadership skill, and executives who want to succeed should master five types of narrative: Vision stories, which inspire a shared one; values stories that model the way; action stories that spark progress and change; teaching stories that transmit knowledge and skills to others; and trust stories that help people understand, connect with, and believe in you.
The 6-Step Blueprint for Excellent Customer Service and Lifelong Customers | Entrepreneur
Elevate your company out of the deadly commodity zone by creating "wow" moments in your customer service experience, a proven way to build customer loyalty, engagement and ambassadorship.
The Ritz-Carlton Mystique | Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center
At The Ritz-Carlton, Service Value 4 states “I understand my role in achieving the Key Success Factors, embracing Community Footprints and creating The Ritz-Carlton Mystique.” Key Success Factors are set through the Strategic Planning Process. They drive our action and measure our performance. Community Footprints is the corporate social responsibility program at The Ritz-Carlton that […]
6 Keys to a Resourceful Team Culture
Transform your team from feeling victimized by constraints to finding innovative solutions.
5 Steps to Perpetual Business Innovation Via Cultural Transformation
Agile and perpetually innovative organizations require real commitment from the entire team.
3 Simple Strategies to Empower Your Employees
Leaders can improve employee motivation and engagement with three straightforward adjustments.
3 Effective Ways to Connect With Your Customers | Entrepreneur
These strategies go beyond traditional sales techniques to foster deep, meaningful relationships that drive sales and help grow your online business through lasting loyalty and engagement.
Council Post: Lessons In Proactive Customer Care
A proactive care strategy that uses continuous data analysis and streamlined mitigation experiences can help avoid a bad customer experience.
A 3-Step Approach to Fostering More Effective Leaders
How to use the empowerment feedback loop all year long.
Council Post: The Key To A Thriving Workplace: Creating Employee Buy-In
When your employees believe in your vision, they become your most valuable asset, driving innovation, productivity and overall success.
3 Strategies for Lasting Customer Loyalty and Growth | Entrepreneur
One-size-fits-all customer experience playbooks don't exist — and for good reason. Every business has distinct customers with distinct feelings, needs and preferences.
7 Ways a Challenging Culture Is Better for Business
Encouraging staff members to challenge the status quo--and each other--can strengthen you organization.
4 Leadership Traits That Will Improve How You Live And Thrive
When you focus on strengthening things like foresight, flexibility, empowerment and clear communication, you enhance your life.
3 Reasons To Bring Your ‘Authentic Self’ To Work—By A Psychologist
Stop exhausting yourself by hiding your true self. Embrace authenticity, and you’ll unlock fulfillment and new opportunities at work and in life.
The Power of Personalized Customer Experience in Building Loyalty
By harnessing AI’s power, businesses can create experiences that feel even more personalized.
How to Create a Customer-Centric Culture For Your Entire Team | Entrepreneur
It's not just up to your sales or service teams to give good customer service; every employee plays a role. Learn how to build a customer-centric culture that exceeds customer expectations and sets your business apart.
The Core Traits of Great Leaders — What Every Manager Should Strive For | Entrepreneur
A team is only as great as its leader. Discover the core traits of effective leaders that you should be striving for.
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